Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!

- I really need to go picture frame shopping. Froggy will be getting his third set of pictures done in a few weeks, and the first two sets are still sitting untouched in their folders.

- Maybe I watched one too many episodes of Property Brothers, but the idea of buying a fixer-upper and renovating it ourselves is really starting to grow on me. I have been spending an unhealthy amount of time scouting potential options on Trulia. A break from HGTV is definitely in order!

- I am seriously considering reupholstering our couch. My fear is that I won't be able to find the time to finish it, and our living room will end up sporting a half-naked couch for months. 

- Am I the only one who has been watching Switched at Birth? I was in tears at least three different times during Monday's episode. John finally appreciates Regina!

- This summer is flying by. We haven't even made it to the beach yet! Usually I'm all about summer, but this year I'm actually looking forward to fall. Everything is just way too crowded right now. Outings with Froggy will be much more fun once the big kids are back in school and tourism isn't at its peak.

- I'm still hunting for The Best Convertible Car Seat Ever. Any suggestions are hugely appreciated!

That's it for me today! What are your Thursday Thoughts?


  1. Hubby and I love HGTV but beware!!! I'm totally too scared to do home improvements like that myself. It's not exactly like messing up a scrapbook or a sewing project, ya know? For me, the couch would be a much more "doable" project ;)

    Switching gears, we love our Britax Marathon carseat. LOVE with a big heart.

    1. Very true, although I'm not entirely sure that I wouldn't somehow manage to mess up the couch.

      The Britain Marathon is one that I've been considering! I will definitely keep it in mind :)

  2. I love watching home renovation shows too.
